Monday, July 31, 2006


On Sunday Mosaic wrapped up the six week series on Sportscenter with the theme of Team. And to no surprise it was amazing.

During the entire series, there have been a series of interviews dones with various athletes who have attended or in some way have a connection to Mosaic. On Sunday there was a interview with John Neighbor who won four gold medals and a silver during the 1976 Olympics in Montreal. He brought in one of the gold medals to share along with the tourch that he used while carrying the Olympic flames prior to the 1984 games. What an experience to be able to hold those two items for just a few second. I mean an Olympic Gold Medal!!

Aside from the amazing site of the medal and tourch, Erwin's message was once again outstanding as he wrapped around the idea team with I Corinthians 12:4-14 and how we have to use our gifts and abilites "correctly" to the get the best result for the team.

"We are all created with uniqueness and gifts that are meant to be lived as a team and in community ... You have to value the gifts of other people and just those 'like you' so the team comes together"
- Erwin McManus

Pretty sweet quote if you ask me. He went on to talk about how when we value our gifts instead of having "gift envy" of others is when the great commission is fully unleashed onto the world.

He gave the community a challenge and he wants people to e-mail him ( --
For 30 days be The Best at something so that your gifts are used to your best potenial and after that month tell him your story. He is convinced of a life change in anybody who tries it. Are you "in"?

Saturday, July 29, 2006


So over the past two days (well actually during a 20 hour period) I went to two ballgame at two entirely different areas of Southern California. All this to prove that baseball is a great way to craft relationship.

On Friday night I went to watch former South Bend Silver Hawks pitcher A.J. Shappi - who is now playing with the Lancaster Jethawks - and hang out with his wife, Katie, and another friend Raynel. There is something always fun to chat and catch-up with people at a ballgame.

I got to know the three of them fairly well during their time in Northern Indiana last summer. Just a great bunch of people. More over, A.J. came and spoke a little bit at nevaeH last summer. He is one of the coolest guys around. It's like, have you ever been around people that just make you smile? That's kind of how I feel about them.

Unfortunately the Jethawks lost the game 9-2 but A.J. pitched fairly well. Only three of the runs he gave up were earned in seven innings of work.

Then on Saturday afternoon me and Winston went to the Dodgers-Nationals game. I have gotten to know Winston fairly well the past few weeks and it has been great to connect with him. He has got some amazing stories that he has shared with me and I truly count it an honor to have been able to speak into his life the past month or so.

He graduated from UCLA a few years back and has been apart of some interesting things since then. Personally I take great pride in the fact that can beat him in ping-pong -- HA!!

If the reason that God has put me out here this summer was to connect with him then so be it. Then I count this experience and summer and major victory in the advancement of God's kingdom.


Ok, maybe a spend too much time thinking. However when you spend time in L.A. and you interact with all sorts of people with all kinds of ideas, it gets your brain working more than normal.
During the last few weeks at the Rescue Mission I have had the chance to serve along side another group of interns who are staying at the Mission for the summer. A pretty fun group of people to interact and work with. So I was chatting with one them about what I would like to do with my life ... plant a church in Colorado in the Denver/Boulder area, etc. etc.

Then she breaks out this question: "How much focus will your church on 'urban ministry.'"

Hmmm ... can't say I was really sure how to respond that with. Not really the kind of conversation I was expecting to have while cutting potatoes on a Friday morning. Considering both of us had sharp objects in our hands, I wanted to answer in an appropriate way :-)

The person went on to say about the social injustices done to those living in cities and the frustrations she has felt from that. Really it was very cool to hear a person talk with a lot of passion about something, anything. It was clear they felt very strong about reaching the inner-city groups.

After giving a few moments of thought I told that everyone on this earth (black, urban, middle-class, blue collar, Asian, whatever ...) was on a search for three things: Destiny, Community, Significance (i.e. -- Faith, Love, Hope). As I continued to answer, my goal is to speak to humans because, well after all, that's who everyone is.

So I'm now stuck on Matthew 9:35-38 where Jesus talks about the harvest being plentiful but so few workers. I'm interesting in helping reach those who are need. That seems pretty simple. If they are inner-city that's great, if they are Asian that's cool, if they are White then no problem. Who I'm I to pick and choose who God sends my way? I just want to help.

Ok, enough of these crazy thoughts for now ...

Friday, July 28, 2006


So I have finally seen a live professional tennis event. And it was worth it!

On Tuesday evening I ventured out to the tennis center on the campus at UCLA to watch the Countrywide Tennis Classic for $40.

The main attraction was a chance to finally watch Andre Agassi live before he retires at the end of the US Open in September. I have admired the guys game for years and this was really my first legit chance to see him in-person. It was such an awesome experience. After looking kind of rusty and dropping the first set Agassi cruised, and I mean cruised, to an entertaining three-set win.

In addition to watching Agassi play in front of a soldout crowd (about 7200 people), I got to watch the #1 doubles team in the world - Bob & Mike Bryan - prior to the Agassi match.

After the evenings play was complete, about 150 lined up for a chance at an Agassi autograph for about 30 minutes but unfortunately he snuck out the back door and didn't sign any. Oh well, still a fun evening!!

It is one thing to watch professional tennis on TV; it is a completely different thing to watch it in person. I have played tennis at a fairly competitive level for about 15 years and these guys are just amazing to watch.


So this random question keeps rolling around in my head since I have been in Southern California.

For nearly 10 weeks now I have served countless numbers of meals at the Union Rescue Mission to homeless people who usually only eat because we provide a service for them. But yet so many walk through the food line and complain about, mock, distain that day's given meal. I don't get it, I just don't. That individual probably wouldn't eat if it wasn't for that services of the Rescue Mission but they still get upset they may not get what they want or what they think they derserve.

So the question is: "How can you make a person who un-grateful and make them grateful what they have"

As a Christ-Follower it goes to Romans 6:23 - "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." OK, I sin and thus I have earned death. Yet God in all of his grace and mercy pours out blessings and gifts that I don't deserve. Everything (sunsets, meals, each day, friends, etc.) is a gift and not only that but, in some sort of odd, way a miracle.

I'm sure that many of those who are reading right now are thinking something along the lines - But, Stephen you still complain. Well true and I'm not perfect but I've got this strange thing going on in my head almost everyday that tells me that complaining doesn't get you anywhere. Be more grateful. More over, complaining doesn't help and individual learn gratefulness.

Ok, just a thought ...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Last night before the start of our small group session, each of us was handed back our letter that we wrote to ourselves during the first week of the internship. That was an "interesting" moment to read what I wrote to myself eight weeks ago.

My letter was pretty basic. I asked myself three questions up front:

1) Are you more patience?

2) What can I do to be a better "lateral leader"?

3) How can I improve my conversation with God on a daily basis?

As I thought about all the things that have happened thus far, it feels good to know that God has moved in my lift in each of these questions. By no means am I some great expert in any of them but I am certainly at least one step closer to reaching my God given potenial in each area.

Monday, July 24, 2006


I have now been apart of eight Sunday's at Mosaic and had the fortune of hearing Erwin speak on each occasion. This guy is just downright "on" everytime. This past message was no different.

The topic of "Drive" came up and how to move forward in life. And what will happen to you if you fail to stay driven in your given endeavors. Just to give you the three passages of scripture that were walked through:

Proverbs 16:26, Proverbs 20:4, Proverbs 26: 13-16

- What are you hungry for? When you are not hungry, you won't work as hard
- How are you using your talent? Talent without drive is dissapointment.
- Without being a driven for something, someone, anything all you have is an excuse not to "really live"

The one quote that has really stuck out from this message:

"People who lack drive have time to judge others and tell them what they are doing is wrong."
Aside from another great message - I am really starting to get this feeling of "I am really going to miss this place." After weeks of trying and trying, people that I am interacting with are getting connected with groups and other individuals on the Mosaic community.

I can't tell you how cool it is to get some connected who previously wasn't in any sort of relational setting. It is one of the most energizing things I have experienced.


On Monday the interns took the day and went swimming at the McManus pool for a few hours. I came across this great sign at their place:

Sunday, July 23, 2006


So something really, really cool happened on Saturday afternoon. I got baptized! For many, many years I never really thought it was something I needed to do and more over, I was pretty much against the idea until three or so years ago.

For some reason that I can not describe, it just felt like the right thing to do while I was out in California. Besides the fact that it is ulta-awesome to get baptized in the Pacific Ocean, it was time to finally take this step in my life.

One of the Pastors, Eric Bryant, was the one who did the actually baptism. It was just such a neat experience. Makes me wonder what I was doing waiting all this time? Oh well, better now then never (or worse, later)!!

I could go on but just wanted to share a few pictures from the experience ...

Thursday, July 20, 2006


So I have been going through the New Testament these past few weeks. Sometimes a few chapters a day, others a little bit more. I came across the last verse of John. The context of the verse is after the resurrection and Jesus is appearing before the disciples before ascending to heaven.

John 21:25 -- Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

Kind of makes you wonder what Jesus did, doesn't it? I'm sure that John is using a little bit exaggeration but that would have been so amazing to witness those events.


Came across these two quotes that I wanted to pass along:

EGO -- Edging God Out

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is creating yourself"

When you serve at a place like Mosaic you better learn those two concepts rather quickly. Well, if you want to live a life worth living these go a long way in creating that.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


This book is pure brilliance. Brilliance I say!!

As apart of the internship, we were required to read it. Last night we had our discussion about the book during our small group time.

How on earth a leader could read this book and not get anything out of it, is totally beyond my thinking. There is so much to unpack from each dysfuction and to learn from.

As a group we watch Patrick Lencioni's presenation from the 2003 Willowcreek Leadership Summit before talking about it. I would say it was a fairly solid discussion based around the idea - how can each of us be a better team member? Where do I struggle the most?

- As a leader, how defensive is my language I use? Am I open to ideas and thoughts to those around me?

- There is no such thing as "choosing your battles" so, are you mining for conflict to bring out the best in everyone?

- Are you commitment to personal development or the development of the whole unifying goal of the team?

- Are you holding those around you to the "higher standard" and allowing them to reach the potenial the entire team has?

- Is the results based on team or on my desires and needs? Do I throw a "cry baby" fit when the results are what I want?

I heard a very interesting thought that seems so obvious but, once again, until I hear it or see it I don't always understand.

Q: How do you have something considered a good result and successful when working in church? There seems to be too much focus on growing in numbers (i.e. megachurch)
A: When people are living a life on mission. That's a success for Mosaic.

Monday, July 17, 2006


This past Sunday was a good one on a few fronts. It was one of those Sundays were as I was going back to my room after the 14 hour day, you give a "fist pump" in satisfaction because some good things were done!

During the Pasadena service I have been trying to get better connected with this one guy so in-turn I can introduce him to some other in the Mosaic community. Without going into a whole lot detail, the process is working! It is a definate blessing and step in the right direction.

At the Mayan 5 p.m. service there was this guy who was just standing around by himself so being the extrovert that I am, I went over to start a conversation. After about 15 minutes, I found out it was his first and he was new to the area. Got him connected with a few other people in his age range. Good Things!

Finally, right after the 7 p.m. service at the Mayan I got introduced to another first-timer who hadn't been to church in 10 years. After some conversation I got him pointed in the right direction with the right people and he will be back. Awesome stuff!
The message for the fourth installment of the Sportscenter series revolved around "Focus" and being tuned-in with the life God has for you.

Erwin walked through the following passages:

Proverbs 4:20-27
II Chor. 10:3-4
Isaiah 26:3-4

Here are a few thoughts for the message --

"Decide who you want to become in Christ and focus. You have very little control of what is around you. There has to be an intentional life course."

Your brain is going to wonder and imagine but don't let it be the "decrease" of your life but let God take your mind captive

Finally, Erwin gave this really interesting example between the internet and focus. He encouraged us to look at the history of the websites we have visited and said, "Our internet give you your inner-self."



SCHOOL: Georgia State

AGE: 18

CLAIM TO FAME: A member of the Junior High staff at Mosaic who will start his freshman year at Georgia State this fall - possibly as a communication major!

From what I hear, he is a pretty good line dancer with a few other people from the Mosaic community. He is also quite the ladies man!


Saturday, July 15, 2006


This was a moment my friends, a moment in deed.

On Friday evening for a little more than two hours the interns had the distinct privilege and honor to enjoy the dinner company of Erwin, his wife Kim and daughter Mariah. There are so many people all over the country (forget that - the world for that matter) that want five minutes of Erwin's time and we got two hours!

Just imagine for a moment that you have had your life changed, ideas formed and character shaped by some one you never thought you could even meet let along have dinner with. I mean, how cool is that?!?!

After an hour dinner of just general chat, we moved into the living room for a Q&A session. I had to ask a question and since no one else would start, I did. In his book "Unstoppable Force" Erwin uses the phrase "Apolostic Ethos" like 300 times. So my question was -- "What do mean by Apolostic Ethos? How do you form that? Are you a culture that brings that forward?"

Not actually thinking it would be answer, it went into a 15 minutes long talk about it. The key quote being, "it's about a movement of people living a missional life for Christ. It's not a instiution. It is a culture that erupted in the first century and they did it without a copy of the New Testament!"

There were a few others questions and answers that just rocked my world. I wanted to take all these notes but I was just soaking up the moment as much as I could. As corny as it may sound, I felt like Mary in Luke chapter 2:19 ... The treasure of the evening will be stored in my heart forever! I just so appreciated the guy taking sometime out of his busy schedule to chat with us. That, if nothing else, speaks to the type of character the guy has!

OH ... I would be neglecting this part -- Erwin is a Notre Dame football fan! We talk about Irish football for a few moments and he is pretty "jealous" of the fact that I watch every game on the 47-yard line for free!

What a night that I will never, ever forget!


Every Saturday I "play" in the Mosaic Basketball League on the Pasadena team that consist of about nine other guys on a weekly basis. I put the word play in quotes because I do more of the running up and down the court then actually playing.

In the four (or is it five?) games I have played this summer, I am a combined 0-for-10 for the field! Yes, I haven't scored a single point yet. I am like the Ben Wallace or the Dennis Rodman of the MBA as I give a solid effort by rebounding and playing defense but I offer not much more from a basketball standpoint.

However, the whole point of the league is not about playing basketball. There are a lot of individuals in the eight team league that come just for the hoops and now have started their journey with Christ by coming to Mosaic on a regular basis. It's been very cool to watch the leaders at Mosaic care more about the people then the outcome of the game.

Today was a cool experience for me as I was talking to the referee, who is not a Christ-Follower, about what Mosaic is all about and how God has things in your life that He will do if you allow Him to move through you. A neat little moment after going 0-for-3 from the field with two rebounds! ;-)


On Friday morning at 8 a.m. a group of four of us headed out for what we thought would be about a four hour hike in the Sierra Madre Mountains.

The city of Pasadena and many other L.A. suberbs along the 210 Freeway sit at the foothills of these massive mountains. After my first hiking experience through the mountains, I can not wait to go back for another round on another trail.

Our hike was listed as a five mile round-trip hike that will take moderate effort with some boulder jumping required during the hike. We were headed out to find an old mine that was used during the days of the California Gold Rush.

Let me tell you, this was not as simple a hike as the four of us thought it would be. Aside from the fact that it was at least 90-degrees the entire hike we came across a whole bunch of odd turns and tough boulders to get around but man it was a blast. At least one mile of the hike was boulder jumping.

We finally found the old mine around 11 a.m. and inside it was pitch black. I mean the kind of black were you can't see your hand in front of your face. Inside the mine there was a well that must have gone down at least 100 feet among some amazing waterfalls. Thank God for flashlights! Also, Thank God for no bats!!

The return hike was quite awesome. There was this really cool natural "slip and slide" ... We did get lost and decided to take a "short cut" up a hill with loose rocks and no firm footing at a 65 (or so) degree angle. As Clint said, "It's a lot more exciting and fun when death is involved" ... Well, it was fun and a certain amount of fear was involved that's for sure!

We finally ended the hike that ended up probably being around 6.5 miles round trip and six hours long! Can't wait to go back!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


So once a week me and about 10 other people get together on the USC campus. This was my fourth visit and since the group is kind of getting to know each other a little bit better, I thought it was time to break-out my "2005 Texas Longhorns National Championship" t-shirt.

Let me tell you that was a fun experience. Although they did make me turn the shirt inside/out! I think my fun was taken in a good light-hearted way. I mean they didn't say I couldn't come back next week! Of course, there was no invitation to return either ... hmm ... maybe I'll wear the National Champions hat next week -- HA!! (Yes, I am joking!)


Every Monday (or in this case Tuesday), we get together as a intern group to do a variety of things for about two hours. The past few weeks, we have each told some of the stories that have shaped who each of us has become today. It's a great time for each of us to get know each other a little better, hang-out, pray and grow.

Braden decided to jump the gate instead of letting some one come down and unlock the gate at the apartment complex. The landlords weren't too pleased but after about 20 minutes of so everything seemed to be smoothed over and back to some level of normal-ness. Really, it was a rather tense moment. Lesson learned!!

I wanted to share something from the group that Dana (the internship director) gave each of us:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?"

"Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you."

"We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

-Nelson Madela
Inaugural Speech, 1994

You know, there is so much that I can write and wrestle with over that comment but rather maybe you as the reader should take a few moments to reflect upon it and shine on ...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Here's a task that I wasn't ready to undertake. We all live our lives everyday based on our purpose, mission, core values, etc. but have you ever taken the time to actually write out and investigate what your personal Mission Statement is for your life?

Sounds pretty simple, just take a few minutes to scribble down a few words on blank sheet of paper and BAM! ... You have the statement to live your life by! Not so simple!

It took me a long time and many hours reading through scripture along Lake Ave. to finally come to the conclusion of what my Mission Statement will be from this day forward.

First I wrote out what I thought would be it:

"To be living a life that is first, and foremost, dedicated to the advancement of God's kingdom on a daily basis; by being servant and letting the needs of what God wants to be more than mine."

OK, sounded good and that was that but the more I looked at it, wrestled with it and mulled over it; it was crap at least to me.

I started writing down some words and phrases that I wanted to be known by:

- Connected to God
- Surrended
- Love God, Love People
- Grace
- Trust
- Integrity
- Humility
- Courage
- Servanthood
- Faithful
- Whole
- Grateful
- Leader
- Compassion

Then I with that kind of as the back drop, I started going over some verse and passages in the Bible that help reflect that --

Matthew 11:12, Matthew 8:20, Luke 11:35-36, Matthew 20:27-28, Luke 11:17, Matthew 15:18, Luke 12: 33-34, Luke 16:10, Matthew 5:44-46, Eccl. 3:11, Romans 6:13, Romans 12:8, James 1:2-6, Genesis 1:27

Please feel free to look all of them up. I hope it is worth you time to wrestle with those verses and what they mean in your life. After all that and many moments of thought, here's my Mission Statement for my Life:

"To be built in Christ's character to further the advancement of God's Kingdom"

(Genesis 1:27 & Matthew 11:12)

Monday, July 10, 2006


You know it's great that my church back in Granger, IN broadcast their services over the internet. Of course, I never actually sat and watched an entire service. Until Now.

If you get a moment (well, more like 60 minutes) just feel free to check out the weekend service at Granger Community Church (July 9-10) and find out how your puzzle is getting put together

Well Done Corey!


Aside from the usually set-up and tear-down that the interns do on Sunday's, something really cool happened. Every now and again you have a moment when you hear this message and you get to be apart of something that is so special and unique that you can just "feel it" in your body. During Erwin's message on Sunday, was one of those moments.

OK, I know that almost every Erwin message he gives resonates with me some how, some way but this one was a little different. It was the third installment of the Sportscenter theme with the message of "Pressue" ... During the 9 a.m. Pasadena service I just sat and listened. After a while I realized I should have brought my notebook with me!! So I brought some paper and pen for the 5 p.m. Mayan service!

He grabbed four seprate stories from scriptures where some of the greatest leaders in biblical times, just crumbled under the pressure:

Abram (Genesis 12:1-20)
Moses (Exodus 2:11-14)
Aaron (Exodus 32:19-24)
David (II Samuel 11:1-17)

Just a few thoughts from the message:

Pressure will reveal character and expose who you truly are under all your "trappings and out layers" ... The process(es) you have previously gone through will reveal who you are in the moments of pressure.

The pressure comes when the majority expects you to one thing but you do what they need. Understand? It might be unfair but God calls us to a higher standard. Will you let Him mold you into that person? (example - are you listening to your friends who step into the pressure and are trying to help when you have a drinking issue? are you letting your co-workers assists you when you are involved in a lustful affair?)

Running into pressure will refine and mold you so that you thrive under it instead of just surving. To live the life God has intended you to live, you must step toward the moments that God placed in front of you, regardless of the pressure involved.



During the service at the Mayan last Sunday (July 2) a crew from CNN taped some of the service and did some interviews. You can watch the three-minute clip - here.

There is some talk that there will be longer piece during the Paula Zahn show at some point this week. Maybe even tonight (July 10) but whenever it airs, it will be posted on the Mosaic site.

The reason that CNN was here is that Mosaic was recently named as of the Most Influancial Churches in America. The entire list can be see at the Church Report.


NAME: Victor Saad

SCHOOL: Moody Bible in Chicago

AGE: 21

CLAIM TO FAME: He is my roommate during our 10-weeks together at Mosaic. So far so good. In fact we get along fairly well considering he comes in late and I rise early and often operate on opposite schedules.

Victor is doing some really good things with the junior high ministry. He has gone through a fair amount of frustration through it but I think he is handling it well.

On the fun side, he is taking country-line dancing lesson during his time in L.A. Please feel free to check out his website - here.


Saturday, July 08, 2006


Finally went to my first Dodgers game on Friday were the home team played their up-state rival the San Fransico Giants. I knew the two teams had a fairly good rivalry going but it's not far off for the rivalry of the Red Sox/Yankees or White Sox/Cubs.

The game itself was highly entertaining. In the bottom of the 8th Nomar Garciparria hit a two-run homerun to break a 6-6 tie as the Dodgers went on to win the game 9-7. In addition to that there were numerous Barry Bonds jeers, boos, etc. through out the evening. He did, however, he a 450-foot bomb of a homerun in the fifth inning. I can't stand the guy but it was an impressive homerun.

As for the experience of watching a game at the famed Chavez Ravine, I was pretty impressed. The lady at my ticket window was very friendly as I paid for my $17 seat (as seen in the picture). To make for an even better evening, it was hat giveaway night so I walked away with a free Dodger hat.

I didn't buy anything except for my $5 program (reasonable price) because the concession are pretty much out of this world expensive. I didn't pay to park because nearby is a park were people just line their cars along the street for free and the walk isn't much farther than the $10.00 you'd pay otherwise. Welcome to MLB in a big-time city:

$3.50 - Soft Pretzel
$4.50 - Dodger Dog
$6.00 - Nacho
$5.50 - Souvenir Cup Soda

Overall, it was a great time. It was made even better because of a great game that featured some great action through out. And on top of that, the fans were friendly. Looking forward to going back.

Friday, July 07, 2006



That's the amount that I have paid in gas since leaving South Bend on May 26. The average price of gas in the L.A. area is right around the $3.23/gallon. I have paid as little as $3.05/gallon and as high as $3.27/gallon in the Southern California area. Fortunately my CRV gets pretty decent gas miles and I am averaging right around 25 miles per gallon. I am filling up on gas once every week. Not a bad ratio, I believe.

Since that Friday in late May, I have driven my wonderful vehicle almost 4600 miles in just over six weeks ... Insanity!!

Thursday, July 06, 2006


Most of Wednesday was spent recovering physically (and mentally for that matter) from the picnic from the previous day. There was some small clean-up that needed to take place and after about an hour of cleaning, the 2006 Mosaic picnic was completely put to a close.

Around lunch I was given the opportunity to go to the Dodgers game that night and help pass out that night's promotion. Get paid $15, watch the game and get dinner in the process. I passed on that opportunity because ...


There must be a serious shift going on in my life that I turned down getting paid to go to a baseball game to see an individual talk about Spirituality. I made the right decision. Here's the thing though, the event was listed as a sell-out and I didn't have any tickets. So me and my roommate get to the venue at 5:00 p.m. for a show that won't start for another three hours!

After grabbing a quick snack from 7-11 we start looking for tickets around 6:15 p.m. After about 20 minutes we had two tickets for a total of $10 (face value for two was $20). So not only did we get the tickets, we got them for cheaper! That's a win!!

The doors opened at 7:00 p.m. and we sat down in the third row and just started chatted with those around us. This is when another one of my moments of genius comes in:

I was chatting with this guy who sitting next to a lady who was involved in a different conversation. So after a few moments of talk I asked the guy, "So this lady with you, is this your mother?" The lady looked about mid-40's while the guy looked about mid-20's. The guy says, "No, this is actually my wife." Oh my, what did I just do?!? Fortunately for me they weren't too upset/angry and I come to find out that the guy was 36 and the lady was 35. Another insert food into mouth moment!

Anyway, Rob got up to talk and just went right into it. I had my pen in hand and ready to take notes. After about five minutes, I knew that my brain was going to hurt by the end. I took notes from the huge blackboard that he wrote on but he was just giving some much information that if I tried to keep up with it all, I would have missed something.

His "Everything is Spiritual" tour went over so much stuff, but it was so good. I couldn't even begin to do what he talked about any justice. Rob did give this one quote that struck me -- "We have a lot of material to find what you are looking for. So go search." (i.e. just live in the questions!)

It was an amazing evening. The 90 minute talk was taped by the Nooma people so hopefully it will turn into a DVD sometime soon!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


So the last two days have been spent planning, discussion and working on Mosaic's annual July 4th picnic. This was the first time that Mosaic has put the interns in charge of the picnic.

I say without reservation, that it was a success on so many levels. Have you ever had the feeling that once you complete a big task that something great was just accomplished? (I hope you have). That was the feeling that I had late last night. The 10 of us really accomplished. What an amazing feeling.

What a long day it was. The first big task was to arrive at the park at 7:00 a.m. to secure the location for the 400 person picnic. Well, we got to park around 7:10 a.m. and our location was half taken away because of another group got there about five minutes earlier. So, there's a lesson in being on-time. With some churches/groups this might be an issue but not Mosaic. Everything was re-arranged rather easily and no problem from that.

This is were the picnic set-up got interesting, at least for me. Prior to Tuesday we had two cars break down and those were two cars the interns needed to help transport supplies. Well, instead of making one trip from Pasadena to the Dodger Stadium area (about 20 miles away one way) I made three in the morning to bring tables, chairs, tents and food. Let me tell you, the 110 Freeway got old by the third trip that morning. But everything was set-up great and, more importantly, on time!

The food was served at 12:30ish and the line of people flowed for about 90 minutes and everyone that wanted food was served just before we ran out of food. After lunch there was soccer games, volleyball matches, mini-concerts and all kinds of conversations going on. It was so cool just to watch people have fun and to be involved in the games.

Everything started breaking down around 4:30 and three trips back-and-forth between the picnic site and Pasadena. By 7:30 everything was packed away and the event was totally broken-down and the event was done. The mission was complete!

Monday, July 03, 2006


The second installment of "Mosaic Sportscenter" was focused around the idea of Practice and what it means to practice something, anything.

Erwin took the quote of Allen Iverson from a few years back when head coach Larry Brown was trying to get him to attend practice (see the clip - here). It was actually a great anology to how some people, me included, attack life. We can be the best performer during the game but, like Iverson, he never made the people around him better and since Brown left as head coach, the team hasn't been back to the NBA Finals.

So how are you practicing? Erwin made this really interesting quote, "Often times we make our best decisions and choices when others are around us but when we are alone and by ourselves is when we make decisions that are foolish." (para-phrased but that's about right)

Then you have to wonder, if we made our "best" decisions regardless of who was with us or watching, how much better would we be living life?
On a side note to Sunday, July 1 -- The A/C in the Mott Autorium felt freakin' great! ;-)


I had a special visitor to hang out with on Saturday evening. My cousin Jesse was in the L.A. area for the last few days of the week so it was nice to see a friendly and familar face for a few hours.

We went out to the Westwood area and I introduced her to the landmark ice cream place that is Diddy Riese and got our picture taken on the Red Carpet. It was a nice relaxing few hours that was much appreciated!

(Cuz -- Please forgive me, at least little bit, for putting the picture as you stuff your month with the ice cream cookie sandwich! I just couldn't pass up the chance!)


On early Saturday evening about 30 people took part in the first of many Amazing Race events which are being held for the various small groups at Mosaic.

It was a blast of an evening to help co-ordinate the teams and the scanvenger hunt which all took place along Hollywood Blvd. Each team had 90 minutes to complete their photo assignment then create a story board detailing their adventure. We made them be creative by telling them to find things like: Faith, Love, Hope, Adventure, etc., etc.

I served as one of the judges and their were some extremely creative storyboards that be put together. Yet, I shouldn't be too suprised because, after all, these are Mosaic people!! In all the event took about three hours and it was a great time of connections and fun on a Saturday evening.


NAME: Barry "Clint" Clecker

SCHOOL: Auburn Unversity

AGE: 19

CLAIM TO FAME: He is in-charge of the annual Mosaic picnic on July 4th; so needless to say he is feeling a bit of pressure and stress. In addition, his weekly duties at Mosaic include working with Kids Mosaic.

The guy is definately from the south and his accent is only one of the things that gives it away. He uses the word "fixin" a lot. (example: "You fixin to leave soon" OR "I'm fixin to go to dinner")

Clint always (I repeat, ALWAYS) is wearing his Auburn University hat wherever it is we go. He is certainly a loyal fan to the Tigers. He will be a sophomore next year while studying for his degree in Nursing.