Thursday, July 06, 2006


Most of Wednesday was spent recovering physically (and mentally for that matter) from the picnic from the previous day. There was some small clean-up that needed to take place and after about an hour of cleaning, the 2006 Mosaic picnic was completely put to a close.

Around lunch I was given the opportunity to go to the Dodgers game that night and help pass out that night's promotion. Get paid $15, watch the game and get dinner in the process. I passed on that opportunity because ...


There must be a serious shift going on in my life that I turned down getting paid to go to a baseball game to see an individual talk about Spirituality. I made the right decision. Here's the thing though, the event was listed as a sell-out and I didn't have any tickets. So me and my roommate get to the venue at 5:00 p.m. for a show that won't start for another three hours!

After grabbing a quick snack from 7-11 we start looking for tickets around 6:15 p.m. After about 20 minutes we had two tickets for a total of $10 (face value for two was $20). So not only did we get the tickets, we got them for cheaper! That's a win!!

The doors opened at 7:00 p.m. and we sat down in the third row and just started chatted with those around us. This is when another one of my moments of genius comes in:

I was chatting with this guy who sitting next to a lady who was involved in a different conversation. So after a few moments of talk I asked the guy, "So this lady with you, is this your mother?" The lady looked about mid-40's while the guy looked about mid-20's. The guy says, "No, this is actually my wife." Oh my, what did I just do?!? Fortunately for me they weren't too upset/angry and I come to find out that the guy was 36 and the lady was 35. Another insert food into mouth moment!

Anyway, Rob got up to talk and just went right into it. I had my pen in hand and ready to take notes. After about five minutes, I knew that my brain was going to hurt by the end. I took notes from the huge blackboard that he wrote on but he was just giving some much information that if I tried to keep up with it all, I would have missed something.

His "Everything is Spiritual" tour went over so much stuff, but it was so good. I couldn't even begin to do what he talked about any justice. Rob did give this one quote that struck me -- "We have a lot of material to find what you are looking for. So go search." (i.e. just live in the questions!)

It was an amazing evening. The 90 minute talk was taped by the Nooma people so hopefully it will turn into a DVD sometime soon!


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