Monday, July 03, 2006


The second installment of "Mosaic Sportscenter" was focused around the idea of Practice and what it means to practice something, anything.

Erwin took the quote of Allen Iverson from a few years back when head coach Larry Brown was trying to get him to attend practice (see the clip - here). It was actually a great anology to how some people, me included, attack life. We can be the best performer during the game but, like Iverson, he never made the people around him better and since Brown left as head coach, the team hasn't been back to the NBA Finals.

So how are you practicing? Erwin made this really interesting quote, "Often times we make our best decisions and choices when others are around us but when we are alone and by ourselves is when we make decisions that are foolish." (para-phrased but that's about right)

Then you have to wonder, if we made our "best" decisions regardless of who was with us or watching, how much better would we be living life?
On a side note to Sunday, July 1 -- The A/C in the Mott Autorium felt freakin' great! ;-)


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