Wednesday, June 28, 2006


On Tuesday I decided to write down every question that came into my head. OK, not every question; like I didn't write down "I wonder what time I should leave so I avoid traffic" question. I wrote down questions of more serious thought, so to speak.

Some of these are raw and open ended while others I have no idea where the came from but this is what I am mulling over.


Is being a Christian about listening to God and acting on that?

How do I lead?

What can I dot improve my attitude?

How can I “soak-in” God better?

Am I teachable or does my pride get in the way?

How can an environment be created on a consistent basis so relationship and first connection aren’t based on the outward appearance on an individual?

How do you stretch people’s thinking so that they still respect you and you are not offending them? Or, at least, offending them on a minimal level?

What is an optimal learning setting for me?

How can I help others be more respectful?

How did Jesus lead?

How much time should Christians invest in believers and non-believers? Is there a proper “ratio”?

What is the best way I can do the most good?

What values of Mosaic can be used to help transform the movement of Jesus at my church?

What do I want to learn with my remaining time I have left at Mosaic?

How does God value you?

What about loving humanity?

Are you a Christian or a Christ-Follower?

What is my yelo?

What did blaspheming look like to the religious leaders during Jesus’ time on earth?

Should you try and teach/help those who don’t want to learn or be helped?

The mirror; is it your greatest enemy?

What if you only built your strengths and forgot about your “weaknesses”?

Where is God in this (everything)?


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