Friday, July 28, 2006


So this random question keeps rolling around in my head since I have been in Southern California.

For nearly 10 weeks now I have served countless numbers of meals at the Union Rescue Mission to homeless people who usually only eat because we provide a service for them. But yet so many walk through the food line and complain about, mock, distain that day's given meal. I don't get it, I just don't. That individual probably wouldn't eat if it wasn't for that services of the Rescue Mission but they still get upset they may not get what they want or what they think they derserve.

So the question is: "How can you make a person who un-grateful and make them grateful what they have"

As a Christ-Follower it goes to Romans 6:23 - "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." OK, I sin and thus I have earned death. Yet God in all of his grace and mercy pours out blessings and gifts that I don't deserve. Everything (sunsets, meals, each day, friends, etc.) is a gift and not only that but, in some sort of odd, way a miracle.

I'm sure that many of those who are reading right now are thinking something along the lines - But, Stephen you still complain. Well true and I'm not perfect but I've got this strange thing going on in my head almost everyday that tells me that complaining doesn't get you anywhere. Be more grateful. More over, complaining doesn't help and individual learn gratefulness.

Ok, just a thought ...


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