Tuesday, July 18, 2006


This book is pure brilliance. Brilliance I say!!

As apart of the internship, we were required to read it. Last night we had our discussion about the book during our small group time.

How on earth a leader could read this book and not get anything out of it, is totally beyond my thinking. There is so much to unpack from each dysfuction and to learn from.

As a group we watch Patrick Lencioni's presenation from the 2003 Willowcreek Leadership Summit before talking about it. I would say it was a fairly solid discussion based around the idea - how can each of us be a better team member? Where do I struggle the most?

- As a leader, how defensive is my language I use? Am I open to ideas and thoughts to those around me?

- There is no such thing as "choosing your battles" so, are you mining for conflict to bring out the best in everyone?

- Are you commitment to personal development or the development of the whole unifying goal of the team?

- Are you holding those around you to the "higher standard" and allowing them to reach the potenial the entire team has?

- Is the results based on team or on my desires and needs? Do I throw a "cry baby" fit when the results are what I want?

I heard a very interesting thought that seems so obvious but, once again, until I hear it or see it I don't always understand.

Q: How do you have something considered a good result and successful when working in church? There seems to be too much focus on growing in numbers (i.e. megachurch)
A: When people are living a life on mission. That's a success for Mosaic.


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