Monday, July 10, 2006


Aside from the usually set-up and tear-down that the interns do on Sunday's, something really cool happened. Every now and again you have a moment when you hear this message and you get to be apart of something that is so special and unique that you can just "feel it" in your body. During Erwin's message on Sunday, was one of those moments.

OK, I know that almost every Erwin message he gives resonates with me some how, some way but this one was a little different. It was the third installment of the Sportscenter theme with the message of "Pressue" ... During the 9 a.m. Pasadena service I just sat and listened. After a while I realized I should have brought my notebook with me!! So I brought some paper and pen for the 5 p.m. Mayan service!

He grabbed four seprate stories from scriptures where some of the greatest leaders in biblical times, just crumbled under the pressure:

Abram (Genesis 12:1-20)
Moses (Exodus 2:11-14)
Aaron (Exodus 32:19-24)
David (II Samuel 11:1-17)

Just a few thoughts from the message:

Pressure will reveal character and expose who you truly are under all your "trappings and out layers" ... The process(es) you have previously gone through will reveal who you are in the moments of pressure.

The pressure comes when the majority expects you to one thing but you do what they need. Understand? It might be unfair but God calls us to a higher standard. Will you let Him mold you into that person? (example - are you listening to your friends who step into the pressure and are trying to help when you have a drinking issue? are you letting your co-workers assists you when you are involved in a lustful affair?)

Running into pressure will refine and mold you so that you thrive under it instead of just surving. To live the life God has intended you to live, you must step toward the moments that God placed in front of you, regardless of the pressure involved.



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