Monday, June 19, 2006


(I must start by apologizing. You see, I didn't take any pictures because I forgot my camera this week)
For me, this week was very good on so many levels. From a serving aspect I helped out with the connections team at "10 Minute Party" and the "Connections HotSpot" instead of the cafe area during the morning services at Pasadena ... Each area serves a different purpose with the Party area dedicated mostly to first time visitors who are interested in hearing what Mosaic is all about (5 Core Values, Arts Focus, etc) while the HotSpot is all about getting someone involved in a small group/house group.

It was kind of slow(er) this week at the two areas according to one of the regular volunteers. Personally, it was good to get some solid interaction with the first-time guest and the regular volunteers in those two areas. In working with the Pasadena site, one of my purposes is to better serve the first-time guests and I think working with these two spots is more beneficially for everyone.

I got to watch the service during the 9 a.m. and what an amazing 40 minutes. We watched a short film called "Most" that was made over in Europe and was nominated for several big time awards. It was just amazing. I don't know how else to describe it. At some point when I return to the South Bend area I will be getting people together to watch and discuss. It was just so amazing.

Once we arrived at the Mayan to help set-up at 2:15 p.m., everything was running very smoothly. All the chairs, the clean-up and misc. things were all ready in record time. We usually get done around 4 p.m. but on Sunday it was done by 3:15 p.m. which meant I could actually watch the arts team warm-up and catch a glimpse of what is going on with them. The arts team/department at Mosaic is second to none. They would make "big-time" recording artists jealous!

During the final service at 7 p.m. a handful of the interns meant with Eric Bryant for about 30 minutes to discuss some of different aspects of Mosaic. Maybe the most enlighting 30 minutes since I have been out here. It was an amazing Q&A with the guy who probably second only to Erwin at Mosaic. Some stuff was very confusing but good to hear. The full-time staff here is about as brilliant as church staffs come.

On the drive home after a record tear down, the group of us that was in the meeting was throwing around the question, "could Mosaic happen in other parts of the country?" ... It was a question that was posed to Eric as well. My thoughts on that are - absolutely. But you better make sure that create a quality team that is devoted to reaching lost people and growing their lives in and through Christ. That's a very simple answer and maybe one day I will expound on that more but there's a brief glimpse for now.

Thus ending a 14-hour day at Mosaic ...


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