Thursday, June 15, 2006


Since I have been so slow in posting stuff from the last few days, here's some things that are rolling around in my warped head:

- How is it that I was a ENTJ in my original Myers-Briggs test back in February and now I am a ENFJ?!? Personality Tests, gotta love 'em!!

- Speaking of personality tests, I took the Strength Finders test recently and here are my Top 5 personaility traits: Belief, Relator, Includer, Woo, Self-Assurance

- As a leader what is it with the phrase, "you have to earn the right to be heard" ... those nine words are seemingly haunting me down

- Running every morning at 8 a.m. is absolutely beautiful in Pasadena

- My love langauge is gifts, acts of service, words of affirmation. I scored a '0' on the physical touch portion! A '0'!!!!!

- I feel for the individuals that I help feed at Union Rescue Mission. I want so bad to make a positive difference in their lives. Just some how, some way!!!

- The Character Matrix task (along with core values deal) is really working! If you read this blog, try it for at least 30 days

- I love my personal reading time on South Lake Avenue in downtown Pasadana during the evenings

- Since I am working with the 11 a.m. service in Pasadena (the only service Mosaic has that Erwin doesn't speak at), I've got some crazy cool ideas in my head. I need some prayers to move forward with them!

That's all for now ...


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